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Man allegedly b£ats his sister’s husband to d£ath over N20 salt in Kano

Man allegedly beats his sister

According to reports, N20 salt in Kano State caused one Magaji Salisu to beat his sister’s 45-year-old husband Zakari Hamza to death.

The deceased man’s son, Ibrahim Zakari, told the Daily Trust that the problems began when his father came home from the market and his wife, Sadiya Salisu, informed him that she had borrowed N20 worth of salt.

Ibrahim claims that the move infuriated his father, who had already forewarned him against accepting a loan of any type from anybody.

Ibrahim said the argument between the deceased and his wife led to exchange of insults.

The son said his father went back to his shop and called his wife’s brother on phone telling him all that transpired at home between him and his wife.

It was alleged that the wife’s brother was said to be angry and came to the residence looking for the husband of his sister but did not meet him at home and decided to follow him to his shop at Yan shinkafa in Kura.

The deceased’s son alleged further that immediately Magaji set his eyes on his father, he started beating him following which his chest bones were broken.

He said they took their father to a nearby hospital in Kura town where a doctor treated and discharged him but said after they returned home, his father died

Ibrahim said they reported the case at police station and the Divisional Police Officer of Kura invited the wife and her brother and they are now in police custody.

He appealed to Kano State Police commissioner to ensure justice for his father.

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